Dec 7, 2011

Sosiaalisessa markkinoinnissa ei ole ROI:ta, sanoo Copyblogger

Sosiaaliseen mediaan ollaan menty nyt massoittain. Ei ehkä vielä HR:ssä, mutta tuotteiden ja palveluiden, jopa yritysten markkinoinnissa. Törmäsin LinkedIn:ssä hiljattain keskusteluun siitä miten sosiaalisen median ROI:ta mitataan. Sillä sitä pitää jonkun mielestä mitata.

Luin kiinnostavan, mutta tuskaisen pitkän kirjoituksen aiheesta Copybloggerilta. Ajattelin napata siitä kiinnostavimmat kohdat teille:

1. Marketing will never produce an ROI because ROI is not what you think it is.

A pure definition of ROI is simple to quantify. ROI = (Gain from the Investment – Cost of Investment)/Cost of the Investment The problem for marketing professionals is that marketing activity is not an investment. An investment is an asset that you purchase and place on your Balance Sheet. Like an office building or a computer system. It's something you could sell later if you didn't need it any more. Marketing is an expense, and goes on the Profit & Loss statement.

2. What is the ROI of email?

Calculate the ROI of using email within your organization. Not email marketing, but just the emails you send back and forth to get things done. Sure, you may know what it originally cost to install your email system, but how do you measure the gain achieved from it? The absence of email in your organization would lead to more harm than good. Its "gain" is not so much a measurement of return but an implicit cost of being in business.
Unfortunately, this is not the same view shared by people who use the term ROI when they're talking about marketing.

3. Marketing is not something you buy off the shelf

It's like walking down to the local dealership and saying "I'll take the 2012 online marketing model with the social media package" — a ludicrous analogy but not too far from truth. People who use the term ROI see marketing as something to buySmart companies see marketing as an integral part of doing business — a necessity no less important than the company email system, their computers, or their office lease.

4. Marketing is measured against profits, which is a far more meaningful standard than ROI

Changing an organization's attitude toward marketing from a measurement of ROI is difficult. It requires a fundamental alteration in the view of marketing's role. Marketing is an inherent cost of doing business and measured against the profit we generate. It starts with CEO and permeates our thinking in how we spend our time, resources, and money. Most of the brands you love like Apple, Southwest Airlines, or Nordstrom inherently appreciate that marketing is a fundamental part of their business. It gets baked into the products and services — it's not just a line item on a P&L like the heating bill.

5. Embrace a new definition

Sales generate revenue. Marketing generates profits. Marketing, including social media marketing, is about efficiency. Marketing is a process of decreasing the time, money, and resources required to communicate with customers and make it easy for them to buy products and services. The more efficient your marketing is, the more profit you make. That's what you want to optimize for. By defining marketing as a function of profits, you create a new perception within your organization about the value of marketing.

6. Use measurements that matter

Frequency, reach, and engagement are the modern measurements of marketing. But instead of contrasting them to revenue generated, focus instead on profits and efficiency. Measure the ways marketing is making your company more profitable by making the sales cycle more efficient.

7. Create measurable structures

The biggest mistake we see, and the one that makes people think they can't measure social media results, is that businesses try to complete an entire transaction on a social media platform, like Facebook or Twitter. Digital sharecropping. Twitter and Facebook and LinkedIn and Google+ were never intended to be your virtual storefront.  Instead, you use them as outposts to start talking with people who may eventually become customers. You use them to make yourself interesting and show people you're a good egg.

8. Using landing pages to focus social media attention

Use social media sites to get attention in the first place, and show people you're likable and trustworthy. But when someone is ready to learn more about your business, bring them back to an asset you control — bring them back to your website. More specifically, send them to a well-crafted landing page that's optimized to get the result you want in that circumstance. Everything that happens on a landing page can be measured. So you can know precisely how many people sign up to your email list from Facebook, or download a particular version of a white paper from LinkedIn.
Landing pages are the key to measuring the effectiveness of what you do with social media. If you're having trouble figuring out whether your social media marketing is effective, it's because you haven't thought through your landing page strategy.

Mitä mieltä olette? Voidaanko, tuleeko, pitäisikö markkinointia somessa mitata ROI:lla? 

Terkuin, Susanna

Miksi minä paasaan bloggaamisesta

Minä bloggaan, bloggaan ja bloggaan. Sen lisäksi minä paasaan bloggaamisesta syvästi intohimoiseen, joskus ehkä jopa opettavaiseen sävyyn. Haluan kertoa teille miksi. Siksi että bloggaaminen on mielestäni tehokkain sisältömarkkinoinnin väline ja erityisen hyvin se sopii työnantajamarkkinoinnin välineeksi. Olemme hyödyntäneet bloggaamista erittäin onnistuneesti markkinoinnin välineenä myös asiakkaiden rekrytointitoimeksiannoissa. Onnistuminen on näkynyt haastavienkin hakujen päätyessä tavoitteiden mukaisesti maaliin.

Zappoksen blogi on huippu!

Google rakastaa blogeja

Tämän olen tainnut mainita useaan otteeseen, mutta harjoituksen tehdessä mestarit, mainitsempa sen nyt vielä kerran. Hyper Dog Media listasi 13 hyvää syytä siihen miksi Google rakastaa blogeja. Suosittelen tutustumaan. Blogopreneur pääsi vain kymmeneen. Nekin kannattaa katsoa. Socialmedia2day jakoi omat vinkkinsä SEO:sta eilen. SEO, eli Search Enging Optimizing on aihe, joka kannattaa pistää korvan taakse. Optimoimalla oman sisällöntuotannon löydettävyyden kannalta maksimiin on pitäisi olla jokaisen bloggaajan important things to do -listalla.

Yksi vinkki tähän teemaan vielä: Blogger-alusta on Googlen omistama. Ja toinen: Tutustu  vinkkeihimme mistä bloggailla.

Terkuin, Susanna